Author - webdev

Setting up a fashion brand is many people’s dream, but if you have the right skills and the right attitude, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to make a success of it. Do you love fashion enough to work long hours and have late nights? Do you have tailoring skills or a business partner who can translate your ideas into workable designs? Can you get other people excited about your ideas? If the answer to all these [...]

Rochdale Metropolitan police has been served with a £13,000 fine plus full costs of £1,317 following an incident that occurred in August 2014 at Springfield Park in Heywood. A child’s fingers were trapped in a gate resulting in two of his left hand fingertips being guillotined by the gate at a park meant for children under 11 years old to play. The result were injuries that will likely affect the child for the rest of his life. According to Health [...]

Safety within the work environment is an essential thing particularly if your career is listed among what some call ‘hot works’. Hot works are jobs that employ the use of dangerous equipment and generally present a dangerous working environment for the worker. Welding for instance is a hot work that involves the use of a hot oxy/gas equipment and acetylene, other similar jobs include construction jobs, air-arc gouging ad many others. The dangerous working environment can be at times very [...]

The workplace is full of equipment and other factors that are dangerous to workers. It is therefore important to know the things, equipment or processes that can harm you. This is called a risk assessment. In definition a risk assessment is a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. A risk assessment is thus a [...]

Road safety is a topic that most of us shrug off as boring or as common sense. However the case for re-education on road safety is very strong, particularly at this point in time. Statistics say that road crashes account for 1.3 million deaths all over the world every year. If you break this down this result to 3500 deaths daily, 150 every hour and up to three deaths on the road every hour. This number is set to [...]

The working population is the backbone of any country. It is the farmers, construction workers, office workers and many others who make it all happen for the rest of the population. Such people are so crucial for the economy and that is why it is important that they remain healthy at work. However it is a rather sad situation in the UK that health and work are not commonly thought of in the same page. We tend to overlook [...]

A Fleet Risk Audit is defined as the process of gathering work related road safety information and then acting upon it. This means a complete comprehensive operation that covers all the company’s vehicles. This naturally is not as easy as it sounds. However many people are sceptical about the importance of such an audit and unfortunately they do not do it. The process is rather difficult and delicate as it involves maintaining a record that shows or demonstrates how [...]

Working at height can be very dangerous. They contributed to 26% of all the fatal injuries in construction in 2010/2011. It is however notable that these types of injuries are completely preventable and thus every party involved should take steps to make sure that work related injuries are completely eliminated. A place is said to be at height if the person could be injured by falling form it. Also, access and egress to such a place can be classified to [...]

Violating Health and Safety practices in the UK is one of the most serious offences that you can do. This is the same even for contractors that are carrying out construction works. They are supposed to come up with the best safety practices that will minimize chances of accidents occurring in the construction site. Mr. Phillip Affleck, a Cheshire contractor, had to learn this the hard way after he was fined by a UK court for not putting in place [...]

In UK, the number of injuries that re taking place in office jobs is slowly escalating to alarming levels. One may be fooled to think that people working outside of offices are the ones in danger but this is turning out not to be the case. A total of about 10million people work in offices in UK. There is therefore a need to come up with safety measures that will help reduce the chances of accidents occurring in office [...]