Regulation of UK Private Detectives For Private Investigator Eastleigh in Hampshire
The plan of the government to allow the Security Industry Authority (SIA) to manage individual investigation activities including Private Investigator Eastleigh in Hampshire was made known in 2013. In the month of December 2014, the government through the Home Office announced plans to have statutory licenses for private instigations come into effect at the earliest possible opportunity in the next session of parliament that was to commence in May of 2015. However, the licensing of private examiners is yet to be executed.
The onus to see this law of regulating of private investigation services enforced falls on the Home Office who will do this through the SIA. The “Get licensed” criteria will be updated before the date for the regulation, through their collaboration with the security industry, while they will also disseminate further information about the plan to regulate private investigations. Immediately the SIA arrives at a conclusion with the Home Office about possible timings, this would be revealed too.
Who will need a licence? (
Are private investigators licensed? The services offered by private investigators needing a licence are described by the Private Security Industry Act 2001 details of which are available from Private Investigator Eastleigh ( The above given definition would be reviewed by the Home Office, in the bid to ensure that it is still relevant to the course. Any queries on particular activities and their being licensable or not should therefore be addressed to officials of the Home Office.
Private investigators and private detectives will, according to the Act, require an SIA certification if there are any investigations, surveillance or inquiries being done for the reason of.
- collecting information on a specific individual or the location or activities of a specific individual
- Getting information about the situations in which, or means by which, property has been damaged or lost. Anyone involved in providing dwindled private investigation services will need a license
- Managers, Supervisors, employees, employers and directors or partners of private investigation organizations are in included in it
Whether the Home Office will also want us to regulate ‘in-house’ private investigations is still unknown.
As used in the Private Security Industry Act, “director” is anyone who is an executive or non executive director in a company, a shadow director, parent company director or corporate entity holding a director’s position.
Services not required to be licensed as per the Act include.
- activities particularly for the purposes of market research
- credit check related activities
- expert activities of working solicitors and Barristers
- practicing accountants’ professional activities
- professional engagements of broadcasters and journalists and other activities used to gather information for them
- undertakings entirely associated to records which are accessible to the public; documents to which an individual can access as well as published works
- undertakings conducted with prior consent and knowledge of the activity being gained and communicated to the subject
Sanctions that will be issued for those that operate as an unlicensed private detective will be.
- upon the instant judgment at a Magistrate’s Court, District Court or Sheriff Court, a maximum punishment of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000
Sanctions for providing for unlicensed personnel will be.
- upon the immediate judgment of a Magistrate’s Court, District Court or Sheriff Court, a maximum sanction of six months imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000
- A fine of unlimited degree or a five years imprisonment will be given when the person is convicted upon indictment at a Sheriff and jury trial, High Court of Justiciary or a Crown Court
License ready Private Investigator Eastleigh we are happy to declare that we have taken all the recommended training and have passed all the standards and tests and are now available for the license. All our current and future customers will benefit from this, as we intend to carry out a transition that will not disrupt our day to day business activities.
Please give us a call on 023 8007 0061 if you are interested in finding out more about Private Investigator Eastleigh who is located in Eastleigh and covers local areas including, Romsey, Bishopstoke, Winchester, and the rest of Hampshire. You could also visit us on our website, to learn about the different services we offer and to also learn about some of the satisfying experiences we have given our clients.